storm sewer repair
Freedom Utilities offers a full range of commercial and residential services.spacer19
  1. Water Taps (all sizes)
  2. Water Repairs / Replacements
  3. Sewer Repairs / Replacements
  4. Camera of Sewers (CCTV)
  5. Gas Services
  6. Drain Cleaning
  7. Catch Basin Repairs
  8. Fire Lines
  9. Grading
  10. Hauling
spacer16CALL 614-263-8803 or CLICK HERE to schedule a Free Estimatespacer15
city of columbus sewer contractorsspacer13
Freedom Utilities provides the highest quality services available to the residential and commercial marketplace. Unlike other Utility and Plumbing companies in Columbus who claim to do it all, Freedom Utilities has placed high emphasis on training all staff to the highest standards. To the left and below are some of our most recent projects with photos.
columbus plumberspacer12Water Taps - Water and firelines of all sizes.
spacerlist5Residentialspacer11list4Commercialspacer10list3View Our Photosspacer9
commercial plumber columbusspacer8Downspount Plumbing - Don't Let your Downspouts flood your property.

list2Residentialspacer7list1Commercialspacer6listView Our Photosspacer5
sewer repair columbusspacer4Freedom Utilities offers a full range of plumbing and repair services. We will get the job done right the first time.spacer3water taps columbusResidential spacer2sewer installationCommercialspacersewer repair columbusView Our Photosspacer